Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Super Mario Run was developed with the Unity engine

Nintendo has used the popular Unity engine to develop Super Mario Run, his first mobile gaming. A reconciliation between the two companies more before the arrival of the Nintendo Switch.


The output of the first true mobile Nintendo game, Super Mario Run, approach and communication increases around the game. A few days ago, the Japanese firm stated our business model of the game that previously lent to confusion. Today is the famous Unity engine that communicates on Twitter to announce that Super Mario Run was developed with this engine first dedicated to mobile games.
Although the use of a 3D engine like Unity can surprise, considering that Nintendo does not really like to use external technologies to society, it should be remembered that the firm and the engine had already signed an agreement to Wii U output in 2012. the agreement foresaw precisely the support of the Wii U in the engine, but also developing games in-house by Nintendo. Unity is a universal motor wanting where we can develop for Android and iOS, but for Windows, PlayStation and many other platforms. One can imagine that Nintendo Switch should be the next supported platform by the motor which will facilitate the possible interactions between mobile and Nintendo games Switch games.


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